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A Beginner's Guide To Pairing Chocolate And Cheese

Written by Priya Arora | Mar 24, 2024 6:30:00 AM

Pairing cheese with chocolate has become an innovative practice in the world of cuisine. It involves merging flavors: the earthiness of cheese harmonizing with the sweetness and bitterness of chocolate. Both chocolate and cheese offer a range of flavors and textures creating a playground for your taste buds when combined.

Understanding the Fundamentals

Achieving a pairing requires finding the balance between flavors and textures. Chocolate, with its range of bitter, sweet notes and occasional fruity undertones can beautifully complement the creamy, tangy or sharp profiles found in different cheeses.

Selecting Your Perfect Match

  • Dark Chocolate: This pairs with cheeses such as aged Gouda or Blue Cheese. The bitterness in chocolate perfectly complements the sharpness found in these cheeses.
  • Milk Chocolate: A great match for milder cheeses like Brie or Camembert as it enhances their creaminess.
  • White chocolate: Its sweetness goes well with tangy cheeses like goat cheese, creating a wonderful balance of flavors.

Recipe: Chocolate Cheese Delight

Now, let’s delve into a simple yet sophisticated recipe that even beginners can easily master.


  • 100g of chocolate (70% cocoa)
  • 100g of sliced Brie cheese
  • 1/2 cup of cream
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • Fresh berries for garnishing
  • Crackers for serving


  • Start by chopping the chocolate into uniform pieces. Slice the Brie cheese into slices.
  • In a boiler or by placing a heat proof bowl over simmering water, melt the chocolate. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch the water.
  • In a pan, gently warm up the cream with sugar and a pinch of sea salt. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Once the chocolate is melted, pour in the cream while stirring continuously until you achieve a smooth mixture.
  • Start by arranging the slices of Brie on a serving plate. Drizzle the chocolate mixture over the cheese in an artistic manner.
  • To add a burst of color and flavor, garnish with berries. Serve alongside crackers.

Combining chocolate and cheese may appear unconventional but it’s an adventure worth embarking on. This recipe and these tips are merely the beginning of your exploration into the captivating world of chocolate-cheese pairings. Remember to experiment with different types of chocolate and cheese to discover your favorite combinations!