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A Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering The Classic Chocolate Pudding From Scratch

Written by Aarushi Agrawal | Nov 4, 2023 5:30:00 AM

Chocolate pudding is fun and easy to make. It's also sure to impress guests and leave a good impression. So here's how you can make it perfectly.

The classic chocolate pudding, with its velvety texture and indulgent flavor, is a timeless dessert that evokes feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Mastering the art of making the perfect chocolate pudding from scratch is a culinary skill every home baker should possess. It’s a rewarding endeavor that allows you to create a dessert that's both timeless and decadent. By following these steps and paying attention to the details, you can craft a chocolate pudding that rivals the best you've ever tasted. With its rich flavor, creamy texture, and homemade warmth, your chocolate pudding will become a cherished dessert in your repertoire, satisfying cravings and bringing smiles to faces with every spoonful.

First, here’s a simple recipe for the classic chocolate pudding:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup cocoa
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 4 cups milk
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Sweetened whipped cream (optional)

Notes about the recipe:

  • Go for a Dutch-processed cocoa powder for a deep and intense chocolate flavor.
  • The sugar should be granulated.
  • It’s best to use whole milk but you can also use vegan substitutes like almond milk if you prefer. But keep in mind that it's only with whole milk that you'll get the thick and creamy texture you're looking for. With a lighter milk, the pudding will also be thin, since such milks don't tend to thicken properly.
  • It’s best to use unsalted butter.
  • Even if you're using salted butter, don't skip on the pinch of salt. This contrasts the sweetness and encourages every flavor to shine through.

Steps to get it right:

  • In a pan, whisk together the cocoa powder, cornstarch, sugar, and the pinch of salt. Make sure there are no lumps.
  • Then gradually add the milk, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Place the pan on medium heat and cook the mixture, stirring continuously, until it thickens and comes to a gentle boil. Let it boil for a minute, stirring constantly to avoid burning or sticking to the base.
  • If you're using another recipe that calls for eggs: Before adding the egg yolks to the chocolate mixture, whisk the egg yolks in a separate bowl. Then add a little of the chocolate mixture to the egg yolks, whisking continuously. This process tempers the eggs, which in turn prevents them from curdling when added to the hot mixture.
  • With or without the eggs, keep stirring the mixture until it thickens and achieves a custard-like consistency. Then remove from heat and add the vanilla extract, but not too much of it.
  • Optional step: if you want your pudding to have a particularly smooth texture, then strain the pudding through a sieve and then transfer into a bowl. This removes lumps and ensures a fine and delicate consistency. If you prefer a thicker pudding, skip this step.
  • Divide the pudding between several glasses or bowls, depending on how you're serving it. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or until completely set.
  • Once it's set, pull it out of the fridge and begin garnishing. You can add a dollop of the whipped cream with a sprinkle of cocoa powder on top. Or you can add chocolate shavings by scraping a slab of chocolate with a vegetable peeler. For a more fun look, add edible glitter.
  • Serve the pudding cold but not so chilled that water droplets are falling off the sides of the serving cup or glass. Let your guests enjoy it with a small dessert spoon, which adds to the gastronomic experience.

Fun tips:

  • If you have pudding leftover and aren't sure what to do with it, fill it in a baked pastry shell. Let it set and you have yourself a pie! If you have comparatively lesser pudding, you can use it as filling for a chocolate tart.
  • If you're in a bind, remember that the chocolate pudding takes roughly 10-15 minutes to make and seems decadent when serving. It's a great recipe to turn to for those times you're scrambling.
  • Although it's not recommended, in a bind, it's also possible to make the classic chocolate pudding in the microwave. Follow the same order of adding ingredients, set the microwave on high, and keep removing the bowl so you can stir.