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An A to Z Of Baking Terminology For Beginners - 2 (G-L)

Written by Yash Lakhan | Dec 12, 2023 5:30:00 AM

It could get a little overwhelming looking at all the terms when you have just started out baking. We have all been there so it is better to equip yourself with proper information before getting started practically.

Understanding the terms or terminology in the world of baking is an important aspect that many beginners don't pay much attention to and they often find themselves confused while following a recipe when those terms are used. Knowing the proper baking terms and how they are used is basically mastering all the recipes and its importance cannot be understated.

In this article, we will look at the baking terminology from the letters G to L to help you understand baking better and create irresistible treats following your favorite recipes without any confusion and hindrances.


Ganache is essentially a chocolate mixture that is made by heating cream and then later pouring it over chopped chocolate, thus melting it.

Ganache is popularly used as a filling, frosting, glaze, or truffle base in many desserts or cakes.


This refers to the practice of shining the surface of the food by using foods like butter, a layer of sugar, or any other liquid that is glossy.


It is a type of protein that is found in many grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. It is essential for giving the baked goods a firm structure and helps in maintaining their shape.


The word grainy refers to the texture of a baked good which essentially isn't smooth and has granular bits.


It is a dairy product with equal parts of cream and milk and is often used to add thickness and richness to coffee, sauces, soups, and other baked goods.

Heavy Cream

Another dairy product with at least 36 percent of fat that can be whipped into stiff peaks. Often used for making ganache, butter, whipped cream, and other desserts.


A glaze or sauce which is used to cover or decorate foods such as cookies, cakes, and pastries. It is also called frosting.

Invert Sugar

A variety of table sugar where sucrose is broken down into fructose and glucose. It is created by heating sugar and adding an acid-like cream of tartar or lemon juice.


It refers to the process of folding and pressing the dough, usually for bread. It is massaged, stretched, pulled, and folded.

Knife Test

It is a way to check the doneness of the baked good by putting a knife into the center to see if it comes out clean then it is baked properly and if it's still wet then it means it needs to be baked more.


To make thin layers of dough and butter by folding and rolling them over and over. Puff pastry, croissants, danishes, and other flaky pastries are made using this technique.


Doughs and batters utilize leavening chemicals to help them rise. Chemical (baking soda and baking powder) and biological (yeast) leavening agents are the most widely utilized.