Food and Culture

Friends Is an Era Defining Show. Here Are Some Birthday Cake Ideas For Fans

solar_calendar-linear Nov 1, 2023 11:00:00 AM

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The TV show Friendshas many iconic characters, moments and phrases. Let your creativity flow as you take on the project of making a cake inspired by the show.

Friends Is an Era Defining Show. Here Are Some Birthday Cake Ideas For Fans

The TV show Friendshas many iconic characters, moments and phrases. Let your creativity flow as you take on the project of making a cake inspired by the show.

For most millennials, the television show Friends has been a definitive milestone. We might love the show, hate it or not care about it. But we’ve all come across it.

We all know about Monica’s cleanliness, Rachel’s fashion sense, Ross’s obsession with dinosaurs, Joey’s love for sandwiches, Chandler’s sarcastic jokes, and Phoebe’s “Smelly Cat”. It’s common knowledge that the show is a global phenomenon and often leads to strong opinions and conversations. Although many people agree that the series hasn’t aged well, there’s still plenty of funny, memorable moments to it. Here are some birthday cake ideas for that die hard Friends fan in your life.

1. Monica’s Apartment Cake


When making this cake, make sure you get the fondant color just right. The purple you create should match that of those iconic walls in Monica’s apartment. Let this fondant cover the entire cake. On one side, create the yellow-bordered peephole, and with frosting, create the door frame around it too. While the flat number changes several times, the creators eventually settled on 20. Put the door number, or, on the frame, write the age the birthday person is turning. Also, print out pictures of all six characters—and maybe even Janice if you’d like to add to the fu— and stick them on toothpicks that you can insert into the cake. Design fondant couches or any other element from Monica’s apartment that you wish to include. Write the birthday person’s name on top in the signature Friend’sfont.

2. Coffee And Central Perk


Sipping on coffee at Central Perk is the characters’ favorite pastime. After all, who wouldn’t love sitting around with friends, drinking coffee, in the middle of a work day even? Now it’s time for you to recreate Central Perk with your cake! Make sure it is coffee flavored. On the side of the cake, add the Central Perk logo printed on with edible ink. With fondant, make coffee cups, Rachel’s waitress apron and that famous brown couch. Next to the coffee cups, make a large tissue paper with fondant. With piping, write the birthday person’s name on the tissue in this format: “The one where [birthday person name] turns [age they’ve turned],” In a hat tip to the way the episodes are named.

3. Character Specific Cake

If the birthday person has a favorite character—and most people d— then bake a cake centered around them. Go in with images printed in edible ink. Then add certain motifs, like dinosaurs for Ross or a guitar for Phoebe. Also, include famous lines said by that character with frosting piped from a thin tip. For instance, if it's a Ross cake you’re creating, write “We were on a break!” or “Pivot!”. For Joey, write “How you doin’?” and for Chandler write “Hi, I’m Chandler. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable”. With a little research, you should be able to really bring alive the character through your cake. You can also create fondant motifs like a sandwich if it’s Joey, cooking pans if it’s Monica, a cute skirt if it’s Rachel and so on.

4. Monica And Chandler’s Wedding Cake

Recreate the cake Monica and Chandler had at their wedding. It’ll have to be multilayered, covered in white fondant and with delicate floral motifs piped on top. Put a couple’s figurines at the top of the cake. You can either choose to make an exact copy or an inspired cake. If you’re making the latter, you can add the words “I’ll be there for you” on one of the layers. You can also use other quotes related to the couple like “If I'm The Best, It's Only Because You've Made Me The Best” or “They Can Say You're High Maintenance, But It's Okay Because I Like Maintaining You”.

5. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. logo

The logo of the show is as iconic as the show itself. Create a simple cake, cover it with black fondant and then pipe on the show’s name with the colorful dots between each letter. It’s especially important to make sure you’re getting the font just right. With fondant, create coffee cups, the couch, and other motifs of the show, and include words and phrases like “Seven!”, “See? He’s her lobster” and “Joey Doesn’t Share Food”. The logo cake essentially allows you to pick up any moment, plotline, character or other element from the show and expand on it, allowing you to customise the way you prefer best.

(Additionally, you could even spell out their birthday message in the same style.)