From A chocolate dessert to some quick dessert recipes, Courage the Cowardly Dogs as Desserts
You remember that creepy cartoon don’t you, that felt like living inside the pink dog’s scaredy cat brain? We picked some of the memorable characters and turned them into desserts, some of them being different types of chocolate desserts

One of the creepiest shows that we are unsure how it made it across as a children's show, it was somehow entertaining given its location in the “middle of nowhere”. Keeping aside the doom and gloom and the thrilling horrific escapades of the pink Beagle that Courage is, we decided to reimagine them as desserts. If you have the munchies we recommend trying these dessert recipes that we think suit these characters the best.
1. Bread Pudding – Muriel

The kind woman in a yellow apron, round glasses and a puff of cloud-like white hair is the sweetheart who adopted Courage and whose life the little dog screams away to save each time. Her presence radiates comfort as you can see courage lazing away in bliss on her lap while she relaxes on a rocking chair. She’s definitely a comforting bread pudding that also hints at her resourcefulness in using the scarce resources available in the middle of nowhere to cook for her cranky husband Eustache.
2. Green Apple Strudel – Eustace

Eustache is a grumpy old man who frequently goes Ooga Booga Booga with his weird green wooden mask and a purplish nose, and frightens Courage. Muriel hits him with her rolling pin in retribution and this scaring thing possibly was what Ma Bagge, his mother practised when he was a kid to stop his antics. A sour apple dessert that tends to get messy when you eat it, captures the essence of this somewhat bitter old man. A typical Boomer, we must say, who loves hating on the younger generation.
3. Petit Four – Courage

The star of the show who is unlike his name, Courage, is often portrayed as a cowardly dog, cowering and screaming his lungs out like an Opera Singer, at anything frightful. In the end, he is kind of a relatable character, using his funny computer, possibly it was AI, to find helpful tips, he always saves the day and brings back peace to his home. And as usual, when the hero saves the day, the ones saved either don't recognise the hero or seem to develop amnesia. But we do see them, just like those bite-size confectioneries at a bakery or gala, that we quite love to bite into, the French call the Petit Four.
4. Choco Lava Cake – Katz

A conniving dark vermillion feline with yellow eyes, he is Courage’s numero uno arch nemesis, this sadistic con artist finds a way to trick Eustace and Muriel each time he lures them into his trap. He often gets confused with the stylish fox who wears sunglasses, known as Cajun Fox, who kidnapped Muriel to make granny stew. The major evil-doer in the cartoon series, he is as sinister as the darkness of chocolate, one sink of the spoon into the molten interior and you’re trapped in one of his cons, death by chocolate was probably because of this sinful cake. We can't recommend it to our readers enough to look up the best chocolate molten lava cake recipe and share with fellow fanatics.
5. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – Ma Bagge
Euastache’s mom with the coral pink cotton candy wig, she also wears glasses like her son and is quite mean-spirited. That is towards only her son, she is quite fond of Courage and dotes over him every time Eustache visits with him. Courage is the grandson she never had. You either love her as an adult or hate her, just like Oatmeal Raisin cookies, you either love them or hate them… because raisins.
6. Red Velvet Cake – Jean Bon
Remember the creepy pig that looked like the epitome of a villainous pig with a sinister smile? Now you know his name, Jean Bon runs the local hamburger diner and he's a butcher too. He's a red velvet cake to represent his sinister appearance, that makes him appear villainous and we see him through the eyes of a childish Courage, who thinks the pig to be a cannibal, because he is a butcher. He's not, it's just a strange conversation he overheard between the butcher and his wife that spooked him so much that he ran home leaving Eustace behind. So, we do hope you try a simple red velvet cake recipe like the simple pig in the series.
7. Baklava – Shirley the Medium
Remember the green chihuahua with weird heterochromatic eyes, or the little dog psychic in purple in the series? She's a baklava with its delicious filling of green pistachios and sweet syrup because her case is an ironic one. She hates greedy people but levies a heavy sum on her clients who come to her for curses, spells and fortune-telling. Like Ma Bagge, she adores Courage and hates Eustace. So, a layered dessert with its nutty syrup-drenched glory for the anti-hero Shirley.
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