Food and Culture

Frosty January to Summery April, Are These Desserts At the Heart of Your Soul?

solar_calendar-linear Nov 26, 2023 7:00:00 PM

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From the ferocious January to the sensual April people, these desserts embody everything that you are and stand for! Bite into your soul’s mate as these desserts take you down nostalgia alley and make you think about the good old days of fanciful stuff online.

Frosty January to Summery April, Are These Desserts At the Heart of Your Soul?

From the ferocious January to the sensual April people, these desserts embody everything that you are and stand for! Bite into your soul’s mate as these desserts take you down nostalgia alley and make you think about the good old days of fanciful stuff online.

We are bringing nostalgia back for those who have forgotten these cringe quizzes we used to take and put ourselves in boxes based on what a random blog told us. It's time to do that again and this time, we recommend devouring desserts that embody the traits of your birth month!

Let's open Pandora's box, or if you aren't haunted by the cringe, embrace it through these desserts that we are sure represent you and your spirit animal. This is all for fun and giggles, but if you end up clearing the bakery aisle, we support you to the fullest!

1. Red Velvet Cake – January

january-red-velvet-cake-updatedDeep as the ruby red garnet birthstone of this month, January babies are the fierce and dynamic personalities of the spectrum who are big softies. Hand them a watery-eyed animal and watch them absolutely lose their minds over how cute it is. The soft, delicate cake represents their warm core and the visually striking cake marks winter and a nod to January’s birthstone, the dazzling garnet. With an unwavering will and determination, they stand out just like the red of the red velvet cake. The softness of the cake is a mirror to their soul that is emotionally rich and sensitive towards other fellow human beings. Despite their introvert-like nature, they embrace the world with open arms and are quite receptive when it comes to new experiences and relationships, exactly how the red velvet cake tends to surprise people who bite into it for the first time.

2. Raspberry Roulade– February

february-raspberry-roulade-updatedTransitioning into February, these babies take the eye of the storm and claim it as their own. Just like the water’s surface on a non-windy day, February babies are hard to bother and irritate and are natural pioneers. They often appear as simpletons much like the raspberry roulade that looks plain and boring until you bite into it. Roulades are more common, more savory meats, but for desserts, they are fairly uncommon just like this month's people who tend to be pioneers with their ability to think outside the box and bring new ideas to life. If the softness of the sponge cake outside represents their loyal, steadfast nature, then the raspberry with the cream cheese within represents their generous nature and their endless zest for life. No depresso, only espresso with the February folks around!

3. Panna Cotta – March

march-panna-cotta-updatedPeople born in March are the toddlers of the lot, with endless energy and always running around the place, whether it's overthinking or just their brain cooking up random scenarios, good or bad. A panna cotta fits them the best, because despite its simple appearance it complements other flavors really well, just like the people born in this month's ability to sympathize and rise up to the occasion when someone is in need. Vanilla is classy and an expensive spice and if you pair it with something like a blueberry coulis on top, you have a creative March person with their thinking (creative) hats on, acing at life and picking up people along the way. A comforting dish, panna cotta reflects their kind nature as well, and their all-seeing-eye that some of us mortals fail to see.

4. Tiramisu – April

april-tiramisu-updatedThey are the true coconuts among their brethren, a tsundere in the truest sense and borderline innocent given their often naivety at times. But even then, they are quite lax but yet put together at the same time, much like a tiramisu with its low-key deconstructed nature. Just like April people live for thrill and adventure, good or bad, a tiramisu poses a nice provocation to traditional desserts that have ingredients that fuse quite well. The rich, creamy mascarpone cheese reflects their innate ability to connect with others and offer comfort. The smooth taste with the kick of espresso, is much like their risk-taking side, very calculated and delicate with just the right balance so they don't fall apart when all else fails. It should hardly come as a surprise that tiramisu is their spirit dessert given the dessert’s sensational origin and April babies' thirst for romance.


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