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Jazzing Up Your Regular Chocolate Recipes with a Peppermint Twist

solar_calendar-linear Jun 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM

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Indulge in the delightful harmony of peppermint and chocolate with these exquisite recipes.

Jazzing Up Your Regular Chocolate Recipes with a Peppermint Twist

In the world of cooking where flavors come together to create harmonies, peppermint stands out with its cool breeze. This article pays homage to peppermint, a herb that carries a legacy just as delightful as its flavor. We explore how peppermint dances with chocolate in a variety of recipes.

The Mysteries Surrounding Peppermints Origins

Peppermint, a blend of watermint and spearmint can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Its presence in mythology and its historical use for purposes during medieval times highlight its journey through ages. The cool sensation provided by peppermint along with its health benefits has made it a beloved herb that has woven itself into the traditions of cultures around the world.

Chocolate Recipes Infused with Peppermint Magic

1. Peppermint Chocolate Cake


  • Flour
  • sugar
  • cocoa powder
  • baking powder
  • eggs
  • milk
  • peppermint extract
  • chocolate chips.

Directions: Combine the dry ingredients; add wet ingredients. Fold in chocolate chips and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.

Perfectly paired with: A scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

2. Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • Butter
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • flour
  • cocoa
  • chocolate chips and a hint of peppermint extract.


  • Cream together the butter and sugar then add an egg.
  • Mix in the dry ingredients.
  • Gently fold in the chocolate chips.
  • Bake, at 375°F for 10 minutes.

Perfectly paired with: Enjoy with a glass of milk.

3. Peppermint Mocha


  • You'll need espresso
  • milk
  • chocolate syrup and peppermint syrup.


  • Brew your espresso.
  • Steam the milk with the peppermint syrups.
  • Combine everything together.
  • Give it a stir.

Pair with: Serve it alongside some shortbread cookies.

4. Chocolate Peppermint Brownies


  • Gather chocolate
  • butter
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • flour and peppermint extract.


  • Melt the chocolate along with the butter.
  • Mix in all the other ingredients.
  • Bake them at 350°F for 25 minutes.

Pair with: These brownies pair perfectly with a drizzle of raspberry coulis.


5. Peppermint Chocolate Truffles

Ingredients: Gather cream, chocolate, butter and peppermint extract. Heat up the cream until its warm but not boiling; then pour it over the chopped chocolate pieces until they melt completely. Add in some peppermint extract for that flavor before chilling everything in the fridge to firm up slightly—then roll into truffle balls

Pair with: Enjoy it alongside a glass of sparkling wine.

6. Chocolate Mint Fondue


  • Chocolate
  • heavy cream
  • peppermint extract.

Instructions: Combine chocolate and heavy cream over medium heat until it becomes smooth and melted—then add a touch of peppermint extract for that minty twist!

Pair with: Keep your fondue warm while serving it with strawberries on skewers for dipping.

7. Peppermint Chocolate Cheesecake


  • You'll need cream cheese
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • chocolate
  • peppermint extract and cookie crust.


  • Combine cream cheese and sugar then mix in the eggs.
  • Stir in the chocolate and peppermint extract before baking at 325°F for 50 minutes.

Serving suggestion: Serve it alongside a dollop of whipped cream.

8. Mint Chocolate Ice Cream


  • You'll need milk
  • cream
  • sugar
  • egg yolks
  • chocolate chips and peppermint extract.


  • Begin by making a custard using milk, cream, sugar and egg yolks.
  • Add the peppermint extract to infuse that flavor.
  • Churn the mixture.
  • Gently fold in the chocolate chips for some bursts of chocolaty goodness.

Pair with: Pair this ice cream with some chocolate chip cookies.

9. Peppermint Hot Chocolate


  • Gather milk
  • cocoa powder
  • sugar and peppermint extract.


  • Heat up the milk on the stove while whisking in cocoa powder and sugar until well combined.
  • Finally add a touch of peppermint extract to give it that invigorating minty taste.

Pair with: Serve it with a handful of marshmallows for a treat.


10. Chocolate Mint Pancakes

Ingredients: Grab your pancake mix along with cocoa powder and peppermint extract.


  • Prepare the pancake batter according to instructions.
  • Don't forget to add in cocoa powder and a dash of peppermint extract for that irresistible combination of flavors.
  • Cook them up on a griddle or pan until brown before sprinkling them with chocolate chips.

    Pair with: Drizzle some maple syrup over these pancakes before digging in.

11. Peppermint Bark

Ingredients: You'll need both White and Dark chocolate along with some crushed peppermint candies.

Instructions: Start by melting each type of chocolate before layering them in a pan one at a time. Sprinkle generously with crushed candies then let it chill until firm.

Pair with: Enjoy this confection alongside a cup of coffee for a cozy experience.

12. Mint Chocolate Pudding


  • Gather sugar
  • cocoa powder
  • cornstarch
  • milk and peppermint extract.

Instructions: Mix the dry ingredients, add milk gradually, cook until its thick, add peppermint extract.

Pair with: Top it off with a dollop of whipped cream.

13. Chocolate Mint Macarons


  • Almond flour
  • powdered sugar
  • egg whites
  • cocoa powder
  • peppermint filling.

Instructions: Combine flour, powdered sugar, cocoa powder and egg whites to make the macaron shells. Fill the macaron shells with peppermint cream.

Pair with: Enjoy these macarons with a cup of Earl Grey tea.

14. Peppermint Chocolate Cupcakes


  • Flour
  • cocoa powder
  • baking powder
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • milk
  • and peppermint extract

Instructions: In a mixing bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and sugar. Add eggs and milk gradually while stirring until mixed. Bake, at 350°F for 20 minutes.

Pair with: These cupcakes pair perfectly with a cup of coffee.


15. Chocolate Mint Smoothie


  • Milk
  • chocolate syrup
  • peppermint extract
  • ice
  • whipped cream.

Instructions: Blend milk, chocolate syrup, peppermint extract and ice until smooth. Top it off with whipped cream for an added touch of indulgence.

Pair with: This refreshing smoothie pairs with a light breakfast.


The combination of peppermint and chocolate goes beyond being a match; it offers an incredible experience for your taste buds! Each of these recipes showcases the timeless appeal and versatility of this pairing. Whether you're enjoying beverages or indulging in decadent desserts, the harmonious blend of peppermint and chocolate never fails to captivate our senses and leave us in awe.


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