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Quintessential French Desserts as the characters in Emily in Paris

solar_calendar-linear Nov 28, 2024 12:23:05 PM

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Forget the dense American cake and the likes as we relish in the sweet French delights, turning notable characters of Emily in Paris into desserts

Quintessential French Desserts as the characters in Emily in Paris

While the series is renewed for a new season, we don’t know if there’ll be more, there seems to be no end to Emily and her misadventures. If it doesn’t work out in Paris, we jet off to Rome with the new hottie, and because we’re so good at our job, we’ll also settle in Rome, away from the love of my life. Let’s face it, it’s obvious who the endgame is, despite the hiccups along the way. So we picked Emily and some iconic characters who kept the show entertaining and got us all riled up, and, turned them into desserts. What is Paris without its desserts?

1. Profiteroles – Emily

Whether she has bad taste or the costume designers intended it to be that way, Emily’s outfits were gaudy and ‘haunting’ couture more than haute. It made her stick out like a sore thumb in every event she went to, just like her Americanness stuck out in France. So, no American cake for this Little Miss I-can-fix-it, instead she has the feel of the French Profiteroles, which tend to be the centerpiece at many dessert tables.

2.Creme Brulee – Mindy

Every chaotic Emily needs a BFF and the traumatized Mindy fits right in, with the ghost of her disapproving dad following her wherever she goes. She is a sweetheart, like a well-done creme brulee, until you start acting like her dad. That’s when the surface cracks, like the sugar disc of the creme brulee, and Mindy storms off to mess up her plans with her at-the-moment significant other. Her smooth vocals are something everyone loves, just like the simple yet rich and creamy creme brulee hiding below the caramelized sugar.

3. Tarte Tatin – Gabriel

Tarte Tatin – Gabriel

Can a chef be so enamored with somebody that he gives away his beloved omelet pan that he hasn't washed in a decade? Perhaps it’s the show or a French thing because the then-committed Gabriel completely fell head over heels in love with Emily. By the time the Monsieur decided to be vulnerable, that too in a monologue in French, 4 seasons later, that Emily didn’t get, it was too late. Not to mention, too many cooks were cooking in their already fragile relationship soup. Gabriel is the sweet Tarte Tatin, cooked in a skillet with caramelized fruits, and dough topping it.

4. Dacquoise – Camille

It’s almost unforgivable, that how the friendship arc seesaws between the jealous mistress vs wife then back to friendship again between Camille and Emily. Camille is a layered character who hides a lot of her struggles by disappearing without any contact. Being rich and an art curator has its privileges we suppose. For this complicated character who finds it hard to sever ties with Gabrile courtesy of her meddling mom, is the French meringue layered cake, called Dacquoise. People with refined tastes, like Camille, will love it, as it lacks flour and is instead made with eggs, sugar, and nuts.

5. Madeleine – Luc

Madeleine – Luc

He was the first one to fold when it came to accepting Emily and her American ways among the all-French staff at Savoir. A tiny battle ensues as the American vs French work ethics clash with Emily finding a friend in a colleague who is eccentric and in his bubble. Being older than most of his coworkers also means, he is set in his ways and seems to be on a different tangent altogether when it comes to modern affairs. However, he’s a quintessential eccentric Parisian, so what else but one of the simplest French desserts, or rather a tea cake – Madeleine, fits Luc’s character quite well.

6. Opera Cake – Sylvie

Opera Cake – Sylvie

If there was a stellar example of a French woman, Sylvia, the head of the marketing firm, Savoir is it. Initially, she does appear stuck up and quite set in her ways, but as Emily starts to influence the whole company, bringing freshness with new clients, she turns pliable like a curling vine. Her personal life on the other hand is like a sparkling night sky, filled with rendezvous of the past and present. Nothing else but the handcrafted perfection of one of the finest French Desserts – the Opera Cake, made by a fine pastry chef, suits her. The layers are like her colorful life and her experience, both in and out of the workplace.

7. Julien

Perhaps it's his queerness, his hot-blooded French haughtiness, or working in the fashion industry, that makes Julien the way he is. Initially, he comes across as vile and irked by Emily and her Americaness, he even ratted out his oldest colleague Luc when he drew something questionable on a guidelines handbook from Emily’s American company to stir up more trouble. But as season 4 closes it’s seen they are good friends when he’s not tearing his hair apart when Emily’s impromptu fixes get him in trouble and flustered. Julien is a prime Parisian with equally gaudy clothes as Emily at big events, for which he deserves to be a French macaron.