Food and Culture

Which Dessert Represents Your MBTI Personality And Why That Might Feel Like A Personal Attack: Part 4

solar_calendar-linear Feb 1, 2024 3:00:00 PM

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MBTI personalities have been on the internet for a long time and of course, we had to do something about that, consider this a clickbait of sorts where we find the perfect pairing to 4 off the remaining 16 MBTI personalities.

Which Dessert Represents Your MBTI Personality And Why That Might Feel Like A Personal Attack: Part 4

MBTI personalities have been on the internet for a long time and of course, we had to do something about that, consider this a clickbait of sorts where we find the perfect pairing to 4 off the remaining 16 MBTI personalities.

This is the last installment of the MBTI-desserts series and we have a bunch of colorful personalities lined up, some disruptors, some setting themselves on fire and some on the quest to search for the meaning of life. There is also the fourth personality who are often seen as the daydreamers and make up the inventors of the MBTI World.

This is all in good humor and the offense taken is not on us, we are having good fun with what we do best- desserts. So buckle up or tuck yourself in and question the ways of the world or the universe and make or order in that dessert while you read this article.

1. ENTP – The Debater – Granita


These folks love to disrupt the status quo with their wit and audacity; perhaps the woman who coined ‘the audacity of men’ had met an ENTP guy. There's also one for women, but we are a safe-for-work place, so Google that for yourself. They love anything that is controversial and will get their minds to work overtime and get their hearts racing, so an Italian Granita is the perfect fit for them, for it is handmade and comes in a variety of colors. Feed them something unusual like a kombucha-flavored Granita and watch them absolutely lose their minds over it! We didn't make that up, that flavor actually exists. ENTPs are not mean-spirited though, they just love the off-beat path and live for being a contrarian.

2. INTP – The Logician – Macarons


The intellectuals among all the MBTI personalities, INTPs are often seen as the daydreaming folks with their head in the clouds, and that's not exactly so bad all the time. They might be that person in your life who is the quietest one but when they open their mouth they let escape the chaos that is in their head, in a good way. They are the dreamers who can turn their wildest fantasies into reality, so an assortment of macarons in different colors and flavors, to compliment their extraordinary brains. They tend to appear withdrawn and pensive, but once they snap out of that daze, the attention they give to the person in front of them might be borderline uncomfortable, think Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. Safe to say these are the most introverted folks of the MBTI personalities. Just like how we tend to leave that delicious-looking box of macarons alone when we check the price, INTPs like to be left alone after a day of intense brainstorming sessions with fellow nerds or with themselves.

3. ENFP – The Campaigners – Cannoli


Robin Williams’ character in the movie Dead Poets Society is an embodiment of the ENFP: “Carpe Diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary”. Their hunger for life and an open mind make them stand out among their peers however popularity isn't what they seek, they also seek meaningful connections with other folks, emotional bonds to be exact. Thus, the homely Cannoli fits them the best, because as insignificant as it might look, Cannoli is deeply rooted in its culture just like the ENFPs hunger for meaningful connections with other people. In their quest to find what they seek i.e., the magic in everyday life, they light up the lives of people they cross paths with. Just like Cannoli, this spark of inspiration for the ENFP doesn't last long. Similarly, Cannoli needs to be eaten fresh because its filling is dairy-based and it can spoil or make the crunchy exterior soggy.

4. INFP – The Mediators – Chocolate Matcha Lava Cake


Mediators of what exactly is what they question themselves at times, for they set themselves on fire to keep others warm. INFPs are empaths who feel too much and love to daydream, much like INTPs, but their fantasies usually don't see the light of day. They feel too much and care too much, then they cry about it, so a sweet chocolate lava cake with a slightly bitter matcha to represent their touchy-feely souls. The assertive ones are stable and introspective and won't give off the existential vibe, the turbulent ones will. Feed them this gooey matcha chocolate lava cake and show them you actually care and validate their efforts which might seem invisible to them and make them feel less seen and heard. If this sounds like that unpaid therapist in your group, step up and treat them, like right now, and watch them cry.