Embrace the frosty embrace! Cold butter is your flaky friend, so keep ingredients and equipment (bowl, rolling pin, even flour) chilled. This keeps those precious layers distinct, leading to pastry perfection.
Master the art of lamination! Folding and rolling, building layers upon layers of buttery bliss – this is the magic of puff pastry. Aim for evenness and consistency, each fold leading you closer to flaky nirvana.
Patience is a puff pastry superpower! Between those folds, let your dough chill out in the fridge. This keeps the butter in check and sets the stage for a glorious rise during baking.
Be a maestro of the rolling pin! Aim for an even thickness and a neat rectangle. This consistency lays the foundation for uniform layers and that heavenly, flaky texture in your croissants and sfogliatelle.
Don't skimp on the butter and flour, your pastry heroes! Choose high-quality, high-fat butter and flavorful flour. Remember, quality shines through in every crispy bite.