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Try these chocoflake muffins when you want a quick snack or an easy to make dessert that’s yummy and filling.
Time:25 mins
Contains egg: No
Among all the possible desserts you can make, some are easier to make and some more challenging. But there are often days when you’re feeling tired, not in the mood to do much or put in too much effort, but still want a delicious, freshly baked, homemade goodie. And we’re bringing you exactly that. This is a simple recipe for muffins, one of the world’s all time favorite baked goods, that’s particularly simple to make. It’s possible to make these muffins with just 4 ingredients, in a total of......Read More
Blend the Oreos.
Add milk to the blended Oreo.
Add the baking soda.
Whisk the ingredients together.
Pour the batter into the tray mold.
Add the cornflakes on top.
Bake it for 20 mins and serve.
You can also honey glaze the cornflakes for a sweeter taste.