Silky Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Silky Chocolate Fudge Recipe

mdi_userRishita Thalluri
solar_calendar-linear Jan 10, 2023 00:00 IST
Author :Rishita Thalluri
Published : Jan 10, 2023 00:00 IST






Time:2 hours


Contains egg: No

For the RecipeBuy Now swiggy-instamart-2

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 1 cup Condensed Milk
  • ½ tsp Kosher Salt
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 nos Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
  • 1 nos Cadbury Bournville
  • 1 nos Cadbury Cocoa Powder


Step 1

In a bowl combine cadbury dairy milk,cadbury bournville, condensed milk, butter, vanilla essence, kosher salt and microwave it for 1 minute.

Step 2

Transfer this mixture into a greased mould and spread evenly. refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Cut into pieces and serve.

Step 3

Demould it carefully. Dust with cadbury cocoa powder.

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What makes fudge softer? down-arrow

There are a few tricks to make your fudge softer and decadent. Firstly, keep an eye on the cooking temperature and keep the heat low as it contributes to a softer bite. However, too low a temperature can make it flaccid. Secondly, using more sugar in the fudge will make it softer instead of grainy. Adding more fat and cooling slowly also makes the texture of the fudge soft.

What is the secret to smooth fudge? down-arrow

The secret to smooth fudge lies in two main elements: precise temperature control and proper stirring. When cooking fudge mixture, aim for the soft-ball stage which means if you drop a small ball of candy in ice water, it shouldn't disintegrate or go flat when you pick it up with your fingers. It's achieved when cooking at temperatures of 112 and 115 °C or 234 and 240 °F. Stir consistently to make sugars dissolve and cool it down at slow pace to maintain smoothness.

Is chocolate fudge hard or soft? down-arrow

Chocolate fudge can be both hard and soft depending on the way you prepare it. But usually, chocolate fudge is soft and creamy and melts instantly in the mouth. It is possible to adjust the texture based on personal preference. You can alter the texture by changing the cooking temperature, and sugar content, and adding butter and cream. Different recipes yield different textures of fudge.

What's the difference between fudge and chocolate fudge? down-arrow

Fudge is primarily made from sugar, butter, and milk, but in the chocolate fudge recipe, chocolate is added to the list of ingredients. Both fudges are cooked to a specific temperature to achieve a smooth, creamy texture. Fudge can come in many flavours like vanilla, caramel, or maple of which chocolate is also one.

Is fudge like a brownie? down-arrow

Fudge and brownies are commonly confused with one another, but there are some major differences that set them apart. Fudge is basically a type of candy which is high in sweet content. On the other hand, brownies are mini versions of cake but with a decadent texture. Fudge is very dense and soft, but brownies are fluffy and airy with a cake-like consistency. Both the recipes are extremely delicious.