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Bounville Chocolate Oat Bites with Seeds Recipe

Bournville Chocolate Oat Bites with Seeds Recipe

mdi_userAmelia Lalngaihawmi
Author :Amelia Lalngaihawmi
Published : 1704186000000

Enjoy these ChocoNery Bites, which are so much better than store-bought protein bars. They contain the nutrition from oats, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, and peanuts.






Time:1:35 hours


Contains egg: No

Looking for something to replenish your energy when you're between meals? How about something quick, chocolatey, but also packed with fiber, protein, omega-3, and complex carbohydrates to prevent any sugar crashes? Or maybe you're at your wit's end trying to dissuade your kids from eating chocolates alone, only to find them too hungry after playtime when dinner is still a few hours away. In that case, why not try our recipe for ChocoNery Bites? This recipe combines the goodness of rolled oats......Read More

For the Recipe

  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • ⅓ cup of flaxseed
  • ⅓ cup of peanuts
  • ⅓ cup of pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup of honey
  • ½ cup of Cadbury Bournville


Step 1

Toast the rolled oats either in a dry pan or in a preheated oven (180°C) until light golden brown and fragrant. Set them aside to cool.

Step 2

Repeat the same process with the pumpkin seeds and peanuts.

Step 3

Once the peanuts are cool, crush them slightly. Then, combine all the ingredients into a bowl.

Step 4

Line a flat container or baking tray with butter paper, transfer the mixture of rolled oats, crushed peanuts, pumpkin seed and flaxseed to it, and level it.

Step 5

Add another layer of butter paper on top, ensuring it's even, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Step 6

Melt Cadbury Bournville dark chocolate either in the microwave or using the double-boiled method and pour it over the mixture, spreading it evenly.

Step 7

Pop the tray into the fridge and refrigerate for an hour.

Step 8

Remove the butter paper, cut it into long bars, and serve. Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container.

You can add any nuts or seeds to this recipe. You can also mold the ChocoNery Bites into shapes of your choice and store it in an airtight container for up to a week. If your kids don't like Cadbury Bournville because it's dark chocolate, you can substitute it with Dairy Milk chocolate instead.
You can substitute honey with any other sweetener, such as maple syrup, molasses, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, or agave syrup.
You can always increase or decrease the quantity of the sweetener depending on your preference.

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